by adminitp | Jun 6, 2018
Have you ever use a time out chair for toddlers, preschoolers, or young children? While a Time out procedure is certainly better than corporal punishment, it has several drawbacks like being emotionally disconnected. On a positive note, a Time-out gives parents a... by adminitp | May 23, 2018
I recently met with a group of moms and noticed the confusion about child discipline methods. They asked questions like, “What are the best ways to discipline a child?” “How to discipline children effectively?” “What are some good discipline techniques?” So today,... by adminitp | Apr 4, 2018
Pam was a busy mom who wanted to raise her two young children to be independent little people. She operated in survival mode quite often, wanting to nurture a family that thrived. Yet she always ended up feeling like a stressed mom who was always feeling... by adminitp | Mar 28, 2018
Kristin was a single parent and came to me, frustrated. For the past few months, she worried about her 6-year-old son Tyler who was acting like an entitled child. She wanted to know how to raise a responsible child, hoping to instill a good work ethic in her son. ... by adminitp | Mar 14, 2018
Pam was a single mom looking for simple ways to get 6-year-old Jenna to listen, especially during homework. Jenna would push Pam’s buttons, spouting off words like, “I’ll do what I want!” Exhausted from a long day, Pam often responded with a...