by adminitp | Aug 14, 2019
For those of you who live in North America, it’s back to school time once again. Sadly, this means that the fun and festivities of summer vacation are coming to a close. (as a college educator, my summer break is also coming to a close). Regardless of how... by adminitp | Jul 4, 2018
In between the great food and fireworks let’s not forget why we celebrate this great day in our country. Since it’s July 4th, it’s a great opportunity to talk to kids about independence day. In the past week, I searched out some fun ideas to get the... by adminitp | Dec 24, 2017
Since Christmas is tomorrow, I wanted to take a moment, open up my heart and share the reason behind why I do this work. My parents loved me. They had the greatest of intentions, but, like so many parents, they had big dreams but had little to no idea about how to... by adminitp | Jul 8, 2017
Dave and Rhonda are headed to his parent’s house for a two-week vacation. His parents are very energetic and love to schedule lots of activities. Since Dave and Rhonda run what they call a “laid-back” home, they are a bit worried about the effect that will have on... by adminitp | Jun 24, 2017
I’ll keep it brief today. After my last parenting seminar, a mom walked up to me and said, “Steve, we are headed to a big family reunion, and I have some travel worries. I’m concerned about their behavior before, during, and after this big...