Power Struggles: How To Neutralize Them Quickly With Empathy!

Power Struggles: How To Neutralize Them Quickly With Empathy!

We all know that power struggles are a real challenge. But did you know that a good dose of empathy cures power struggles? When children object, complain, or disapprove of your requests, it can be tempting to react with anger and frustration. Even so, it is important...
Back to School:  The Secret To A Peaceful Morning!

Back to School: The Secret To A Peaceful Morning!

It’s back to school time again.  With young children, unlocking the secret to a peaceful morning can be a real chore.  Sometimes it involves being patient and finding your compassion while your little one throws himself on the floor or screams loud enough to...
How To End Morning Madness

How To End Morning Madness

  Want to end morning madness?  With the school year back in session, it can be a real challenge while getting your kids ready, getting yourself ready for work, and still getting out the door on time.  Sound familiar?  The bad news is that offering choices,...

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