by adminitp | Oct 28, 2018
Emotional intelligence. It sounds like a fancy term, especially for parents of young children who may be running on Starbucks coffee and five hours’ sleep. Fear not. Emotional intelligence entails having the emotional awareness and emotional competence to connect... by adminitp | Mar 14, 2018
Pam was a single mom looking for simple ways to get 6-year-old Jenna to listen, especially during homework. Jenna would push Pam’s buttons, spouting off words like, “I’ll do what I want!” Exhausted from a long day, Pam often responded with a... by adminitp | Feb 20, 2018
When Diane first met with me, she was frazzled by 4-year-old Emma’s misbehavior. She was convinced her daughter was a problem child or a child of rage. Like other parents, Diane assumed Emma was behaving badly, the incidents would never end, and they were both... by adminitp | Feb 7, 2018
As a parent, hearing sassy words like “No” and smart-alecky comments like “I don’t have to” can make your blood boil. As a result, the biggest complaint I get from parents who attend my seminars revolves around how to neutralize back talk. We all know that when young...