by Patrick Duculan | Nov 19, 2018
Learning how to nurture your child’s emotional health in children is one of the most important aspects of parenting. Daniel Goleman, expert on emotional intelligence, asserts: “If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you...
by adminitp | Oct 28, 2018
Emotional intelligence. It sounds like a fancy term, especially for parents of young children who may be running on Starbucks coffee and five hours’ sleep. Fear not. Emotional intelligence entails having the emotional awareness and emotional competence to connect...
by adminitp | Mar 14, 2018
Pam was a single mom looking for simple ways to get 6-year-old Jenna to listen, especially during homework. Jenna would push Pam’s buttons, spouting off words like, “I’ll do what I want!” Exhausted from a long day, Pam often responded with a...
by adminitp | Mar 7, 2018
Are your children not listening? Ask any parent of young children what they wish for, and the list may include things like strong coffee, a good night’s sleep and how best to get a child to listen the first time. Not sure how to talk to kids? You’re not...
by adminitp | Feb 28, 2018
We all want to raise children who become cooperative, courageous, and independent little people who thrive. Of course, the big question is how. Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on grandma’s intuition or the opinions of others to address the pressing...