by adminitp | Mar 14, 2018
Pam was a single mom looking for simple ways to get 6-year-old Jenna to listen, especially during homework. Jenna would push Pam’s buttons, spouting off words like, “I’ll do what I want!” Exhausted from a long day, Pam often responded with a...
by adminitp | Mar 7, 2018
Are your children not listening? Ask any parent of young children what they wish for, and the list may include things like strong coffee, a good night’s sleep and how best to get a child to listen the first time. Not sure how to talk to kids? You’re not...
by adminitp | Feb 20, 2018
When Diane first met with me, she was frazzled by 4-year-old Emma’s misbehavior. She was convinced her daughter was a problem child or a child of rage. Like other parents, Diane assumed Emma was behaving badly, the incidents would never end, and they were both...