independence day 4th of JulyIn between the great food and fireworks let’s not forget why we celebrate this great day in our country.  Since it’s July 4th, it’s a great opportunity to talk to kids about independence day.

In the past week, I searched out some fun ideas to get the conversation going with your children.  I’ve provided some great video resources below.  Please, add your own in the comments at the end!

My comments on Independence day

The 4th of July is a reminder.  We continue to reap the rewards from those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Here’s what happened years before the Declaration of Independence was drafted and signed.  102 Pilgrims faced their fears and crossed a treacherous ocean.  The hope of freedom in their hearts.  Meanwhile, the lives of 44 Pilgrims were claimed during the first winter.  The conditions were so harsh.  Those who lived learned how to survive and thrive in spite of the horrid conditions.   As a result, those “can-do” beliefs and ideas continue to live on!  They continue to shape our psyche to this day.

The freedoms of this great country were spread by people who understood something powerful.  Liberty, independence, and freedom were not determined by the conditions you face, but by the choices, you make in life.

On this great day, let’s talk to our kids about the deeper meaning of independence day.  As parents, let’s never forget that freedom is both caught and taught.

Video Resources To Teach Kids About Independence Day:


July 4th – Independence Day | Wiki for Kids at Cool School (animated: 6 min)

School House Rock: The Tea Party/No More Kings (animated)

Liberty’s Kids: The First Fourth of July  (animated)

School House Rock: 4th of July (song with animation – I remember watching Schoolhouse Rock when I was a kid – and it’s still good stuff!)

Independence Day (1 Min: A puppet shares a poem about what the 4th of July is really about – kids could memorize the poem)



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