by adminitp | Jun 27, 2018
When children are infants, they can be pure joy! However, as children begin to age, they require better parenting skills. Their little personalities and temperaments begin to emerge. Some kids are easy, some are slow-to-warm-up, and some can be spirited, spicy, and... by adminitp | Jun 13, 2018
Do you want a great alternative to time out for discipline strategies in your parenting toolbox? If you are like most parents, you are using a time out to modify your kiddo’s unwanted behavior. Today’s article gives you a great alternative to time out, so your... by adminitp | May 23, 2018
I recently met with a group of moms and noticed the confusion about child discipline methods. They asked questions like, “What are the best ways to discipline a child?” “How to discipline children effectively?” “What are some good discipline techniques?” So today,... by adminitp | Oct 18, 2017
How to Solve Bedtime Battles with Your Kids? As a parent, you know that where there are kids, there are bedtime battles! Who among you hasn’t heard (at least some) of these: When they’re young: But I’m not tired. Read me a story. Can I sleep in your...