by Patrick Duculan | Nov 9, 2018
Every parent wants their children to thrive in social settings. Some parents try to develop courage, self-confidence, and independence in their children while others focus more on compassion, acceptance, and empathy. But did you know that developing emotional health... by adminitp | Jun 20, 2018
Are you looking for alternative discipline methods to handle sibling rivalry? Do you wonder how to guide children without punishment or a fancy reward system? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that hard. Today’s article reveals three quick discipline... by adminitp | Jun 13, 2018
Do you want a great alternative to time out for discipline strategies in your parenting toolbox? If you are like most parents, you are using a time out to modify your kiddo’s unwanted behavior. Today’s article gives you a great alternative to time out, so your... by adminitp | Apr 4, 2018
Pam was a busy mom who wanted to raise her two young children to be independent little people. She operated in survival mode quite often, wanting to nurture a family that thrived. Yet she always ended up feeling like a stressed mom who was always feeling... by adminitp | Jan 10, 2018
As adults with children, we’re all looking for the best parenting tips to help guide our journey. To start off the New Year, I wanted to share my 5 best parenting tips for 2018. Parenting Tip #1: Resolve to plan ahead As a parent of young children, you know...